“History is a disciplined process of inquiry into the past that helps to explain how people, events and forces from the past have shaped our world.” (History K-6 Syllabus, p.13)
This Key Learning Area of study is informed by the NSW Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum in History K-6 Curriculum Syllabus.
Learning in this Key Learning Area will encourage students to develop an understanding of the history concepts of Continuity and Change; Cause and effect, Perspectives, Empathetic Understanding, Significance and Contestability.
In the study of History students will develop the following history skills:
- Comprehension: chronology, terms and concepts
- Analysis and use of resources
- Perspectives and Interpretations
- Empathetic understanding
- Research
- Explanation and communication
“Geography is the study of places and relationships between people and their environments.” (Geography K-6 Syllabus, p.13)
This Key Learning Area of study is informed by the NSW Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum in Geography K-10 Curriculum Syllabus.
Learning in this Key Learning Area the students will develop the geographical concepts of Place, Space, Environment, Interconnection, Scale, Sustainability and Change.
The geographical inquiry skills that students will learn are:
- Acquiring geographical information
- Processing geographical information
- Communicating geographical information
Students will learn to use the geographical tools of maps, fieldwork, graphs & statistics, spatial technologies and visual representations.