PDHPE - St John the Baptist, Woy Woy
Teaching & Learning


Learning in this Key Learning Area is supported by the NSW PDHPE Syllabus Years K-6. Students will develop skills in:

  • acquiring knowledge and understanding
  • applying Catholic beliefs to decision making
  • their ability to make informed decisions about health and lifestyle
  • social responsibility
  • personal fitness
  • fundamental movement skills

The Physical Activity Requirement can include the practical PE component of the PDHPE syllabus, sport or any other skills or physical activity type program, which is planned and occurs on a regular basis. It can also include the Dance component of the Creative Arts KLA. Intensive swimming lessons for the Infants’ children and Surf Safety for the Primary children, which are undertaken in Term 4, are included in this KLA.

The School’s ‘PDHPE Policy’ documents our beliefs, strategies and processes for effective teaching and learning in this Key Learning Area.